Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Max Attack!

Oh my heavens, it's been AGES! I'm so sorry (to no one, cause I'm sure anyone that DID read this has long since given up after my weeks months of silence).

There hasn't been a whole lot happening over here at the Pines (which I'm still getting used to calling my self...) Other than the arrival of Max.

He's our new adopted pup dog. We got him from NBRAN, which is a great Brittany rescue organization. I found him on facebook, where they post several pictures a week of britts that need a good home.
I fell in love with him because of the above picture, and immediately felt that he NEEDED to be in our lives. I had to try to convince Shan of this, as he doesn't necessarily agree with my views of fate, but I just had a feeling that bringing this dog into our home was very important.

The one thing you may not be able to tell from the above pictures is this:
Max only has three legs. His front left leg had to be removed due to a break that was never treated, which resulted in his constant licking, and an infection. He's also on thyroid meds because he has hypothyroidism. It's okay. We love him's sort of like bringing a little old man into the house. There were a few things we didn't know about him until he got here (we didn't meet him until it was time to bring him home, because he was being fostered in CANADA)...he's short. As in no where near as tall as a in he can pretty much stand right under Murphy. He's also not purebred like Murph. He seems to be part beagle. This is supported by the fact that he bays instead of barks, especially when he's on the scent of rabbits.

It was a little touch and go to start. The first day he came in, he took over all of Murphy's bones, and got very aggressive when Murph would try to interact with him. But after a few days, they were good buddies.

I promise I'm going to try to be better about this thing. I'm currently working on some floor plans for you to ooh and aah over, since no one has come to see the house since we moved in, I may as well give a virtual tour...

1 comment:

  1. I am still reading! I can't wait to meet Max!
